Articles published in March 2017

What is that in your hand?

“So the Lord said to him, ‘What is that in your hand?’ He said, ‘A rod.’” Exodus 4:2 In Moses’ day, if you saw a man with a shepherd’s rod, you immediately knew a great deal about him. You would know his profession. You would discern his basic skill set and experience. You might surmise his business background and contacts. You would know much about the man’s lifestyle and where he spent his time. His rod represented his life and business background.
Tags:  Skills

The Antidote for Spiritual Lethargy

Do you suffer from spiritual lethargy? Most American Christians do. The symptoms are many and varied. Some days you feel spiritually disconnected. You just can’t seem to find your way into God’s presence. Sometimes these spiritually disconnected days turn into two or three days, or a week. Lately it has seemed like they are happening more frequently.
Tags:  Spiritual Lethargy, Spirituality